2017BAMCAL January Squares

Happy new year everyone!

Things are much calmer now that all the festivities are over.  Time for some serious crochet I think.  This year I am taking part in the 2017 Block a Month Crochet Along (otherwise known as bamcal).  You can find the group here on Ravelry.  The idea is that you make a different afghan block each month and then at the end of the year put them all together to make a beautiful blanket.  There are extra optional blocks each month too...

I have taken part in previous years and I love to see everyone's beautiful crochet squares.  It truly amazes me how different the same pattern can look in different yarns and colours.  The group is super friendly and open to anyone. The moderators are very helpful and encouraging too.  Even if you are new to crochet you can give it a go, there is always someone around to help you out if you get stuck.

This year instead of making a blanket (I still have more than a few that need finishing) I have decided to use 4ply yarn and make my squares into a shawl.  I have quite a lot of Drops Fabel in my stash that will be perfect for this.

This months main square is called Moody Blue and is designed by Helen Shrimpton.

The filler square is Floral Kaleidoscope by Julie King.

I will take some better photos once these squares have been blocked.  Can't wait to see what blocks we will be doing for next month.

Take care...


For daily posts please follow me over on my Facebook page.


  1. Sounds terrific, that group, and your squares look amazing!
    Already anxious to see the result at the end of the year :-)
    Have a nice weekend,

  2. A first time BAM CAL-er here. I can't believe how hard it is/was for me to figure out my colors! Hopefully, I've got it figured out now. I love your variegated yarns in your squares.


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