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Stash Busting Challenge!

Well the new year is rushing forwards at break neck speeds.  We are almost at the end of January and I have hardly had time to think let alone make a post on my blog.  So here it is, a little late but happy new year everyone!  

So who has made any new years resolutions?  Are you sticking to them?  I don't know about a resolution for the whole year but I am setting myself a challenge for February.  I have so much yarn, quite frankly ridiculous amounts.  The photos show my stash of dk (only the ones already broken into).  I also have a load of tubs all sorted into similar colours... through out February I am challenging myself to see how many blankets I can make, without buying any new yarn.  I am thinking granny squares will be the way to go, perfect for using up all those odds and ends.  Perhaps you would like to join me in my Stash Busting Challenge?  I would love to see your photos if you do.

See you next week with my first blanket.


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  1. Good luck with your goal. I think it's a great idea. I too have so much yarn and I don't knit or crochet as much as I'd like. I have set a goal to use up as much yarn as I can this year.

  2. Thanks Ginny, I would love to see what you are making with your stash...


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