Windsor In Autumn - A bike ride along the river...

This morning I rode into Windsor.  I needed to return some clothing that did not fit.  After dropping Little T off at school I had an hour to kill before the shops opened, so I decided to take the scenic route into town.  It was such a beautiful morning, with blue skies and crisp air.

It is such a pretty bike ride at this time of year with the trees all golden.  This part of the river has many boat houses.

The swans were splashing about.  The signets starting to lose their baby feathers are becoming white like their parents.

This swan came right up to me when I stopped to take the photo.  I think he thought I had something for him to eat.  Sorry Mister Swan.

A nice view of Eton Bridge.

It was nice to have the time to just stop and look, something we often forget to do with our busy lives.

Have a lovely day...

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  1. It's always nice to get out for a bike ride. John and I often ride into town as it's barely 10 mins ride. John's trike has roomy baskets for shopping. You do notice things more when riding or walking. Your ride in to town looks so lovely and scenic and the autumn colours are so glorious. Best, Jane x

    1. I cycle everywhere, but I'm usually in a rush to get from A to B. It's nice to take the time to enjoy the morning...

  2. Beautiful pictures, Catherine. I love seeing pictures of boathouses on canals. I wonder why, though, do I keep thinking you are in the U.S.?!?

    1. Thank you Becki. I think it might be because all my patterns are in US terms. I don't like UK terminology it doesn't make sense to me. I mean where is the single crochet? Why does it skip straight to double?

  3. What a lovely day for a bike ride! Really nice to go along the river and enjoy the animation.

    As for crochet terminology, I much prefer the US terms! Like you, the UK terms seen to complicate things. Also, I learnt crochet when living in the US when I was pregnant with my first baby!

    1. It was lovely to be out in the sunshine. It gets dark so early now that the clocks have gone back.


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