Stash Busting - The Ron Weasley Blanket

Over the Christmas holidays we always binge watch the Harry Potter Movies.  Whilst watching Prisoner of Azkaban I happened to notice a gorgeous, scrappy, hand knitted blanket on Ron Weasley's bed (Molly Weasley I do so love all your makes).  I instantly knew this would make an awesome stash busting project and I had to start straight away.

A quick search found a brilliant guide by Jackie Wierzbick on her blog Penguineer's Purls and you can find the pattern page here...  She has painstakingly collected lots of photos of the blanket and produced them into a layout grid and a guide for each knitted block.  The squares are all knitted in garter stitch (which I love especially for "TV" knitting).  There is also a crochet version which you can find here...

So off I went to rummage through my stash.  I have a great deal of those huge 400g balls of aran yarn I bought "cos it's cheap" that never got used (because it wasn't soft enough for baby blankets).  I thought these would be ideal and I have so many other odds and ends that I am sure I can find something to match most of the colours.  I'm not too worried though as the blanket is meant to look scrappy, so if the colours aren't an exact match I will just use the closest yarn I can find.

Now anyone who knows me will know that I am not very keen on sewing. The thought of all those squares to sew together at the end appalled me.  I have made knitted shawls previously that had knitted on edges so thought there must be a way to knit the squares together as I went along.  With a bit of experimentation I have managed it (almost), the diagonal squares proved to be more of a conundrum than my non mathematical brain could handle, so I am knitting those squares separately and then stitching them on.  At lease there is not many of those to do, so this means that I will be able to join most of the squares as I go along.  I think I will write up a guide of how to do this if anyone is interested?

You can see the knitted together join here (nice and tidy)...

I can't tell you how enjoyable it is sitting watching Harry Potter movies with Little T and knitting along happily with my scrappy squares.  I can't wait to see the blanket progress and I am really pleased so far with how the join as you go approach is working.  I don't think my sewing would look anywhere near as neat.

As you can see the stitched join here (not so tidy).

I have almost 2 full rows of squares finished and am running out of Harry Potter movies to watch.

I will post again soon as the blanket progresses.  Do you have piles of stash languishing in boxes begging to be knitted or crocheted with?  Why not make a stash busting blanket yourself, I would love to see your photos...

See you soon

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  1. Oh, that's a most lovely idea to make something out of a well loved film (err... series)! Have fun and do keep us posted!

  2. Thank you, it's beautiful !
    How did you sew the squares please ?

    Thanks !


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