
Crochet Tutorials



  1. I absolutely love the video tutorials! My grandmother taught me the basics of knitting and crocheting but I was never able to get the hang of constructing anything that looked the way it was supposed to.....enter all these wonderful videos that make it all seem to make sense.....finally!!!

    1. My mum taught me to knit when I was very young, but she didn't know how to crochet and I always wanted to learn. It was only many years later and the invention of Youtube that taught me how...

  2. I'm brand new! Looking forward to learning the mysterious art of crocheting. New to this & the internet. My grandmother taught me 2 basic stitches when I was 7. This ought to be interesting. Thank you!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I finally found the perfect site for ALL KINDS of granny squares. I've had a terrible time trying to follow directions on others, but yours are perfect!!! I've been knitting and crocheting for 60 years but had forgotten how to do a basic granny square. Now that I'm expecting my first great-grandbaby in October, I can finally start however many I want to make!!!

    1. Thank you Mollie, I'm glad you are enjoying the patterns.


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